Ameera’s Dream: A Story of Bravery and Determination for Education

Amina kiani
2 min readApr 27, 2023

Once upon a time, in a small village in Pakistan, there lived a young girl named Ameera. Despite coming from a poor family, Ameera had a passion for learning and wanted to make something of herself.

However, in her village, girls were not allowed to attend school. Ameera’s father didn’t believe in the importance of education for girls and thought it was a waste of time and resources.

But Ameera was determined to get an education and refused to give up on her dreams. One day, a kind-hearted teacher from a nearby city started a secret school for girls in Ameera’s village. Ameera was thrilled at the opportunity and began attending the school every day.

Despite the risks involved, Ameera and her fellow classmates continued to learn and thrive in their studies. They would often meet secretly, hidden away from prying eyes, to study and expand their knowledge.

However, their secret school was eventually discovered, and the teacher was forced to flee. The girls were left without a teacher, and their education was in jeopardy once again.

Determined not to give up, Ameera took the initiative to gather her classmates and became their new teacher. She spent hours each day teaching them everything she had learned and helping them grow in their knowledge.

Ameera’s hard work and dedication caught the attention of international organizations and news media. Her story spread around the world, and she became a symbol of hope for young girls everywhere who were denied an education.

Like Iqbal Masih, Ameera’s bravery and determination helped change the world’s perception of the importance of education for girls. Her legacy continues to inspire young girls everywhere to pursue their dreams and never give up on their education, just like Ameera who fought for her right to learn.



Amina kiani

Technical Support Professional | Content Writer | Digital marketer and manager