The Old Lady and the Wandering Soul

Amina kiani
2 min readApr 13, 2023

Evelyn had always been a fiercely independent woman. She lived alone in a small cottage in the woods, surrounded by nothing but the sounds of nature and her beloved books. Despite her advancing age, she had never felt the need for companionship — until one day, a mysterious stranger came into her life.

He appeared out of nowhere, walking down the dirt path that led to her front door. Evelyn couldn’t quite make out his face at first, as it was obscured by the hood of his cloak. But as he drew closer, she could see that he was a tall, handsome man with piercing blue eyes and a gentle smile.

“Hello, Evelyn,” he said softly, as if he had known her for years. “My name is Marcus. I’ve come a long way to see you.”

Evelyn was taken aback. She had never met this man before, and yet there was something about him that made her feel oddly comfortable. She invited him inside, and they spent the evening talking over tea and cookies.

As it turned out, Marcus was a traveler — a wandering soul who had roamed the world in search of adventure and knowledge. But now, he said, he was tired of the constant movement, and he wanted to settle down in a quiet place where he could reflect on his experiences.

Evelyn listened intently, fascinated by his stories of far-off lands and exotic cultures. And as the night wore on, she found herself growing more and more drawn to this mysterious stranger.

Over the next few weeks, Marcus became a regular visitor to Evelyn’s cottage. They would spend hours talking, reading, and simply enjoying each other’s company. And although they never spoke of their feelings, it was clear to both of them that they had fallen deeply in love.

But then, one day, Marcus announced that he had to leave. He had come to a crossroads in his life, he said, and he needed to make a decision about his future. Evelyn was heartbroken, but she understood. She knew that Marcus was a free spirit, and she didn’t want to hold him back.

And so, with tears in her eyes, she said goodbye to the man she had grown to love. But even though he was gone, his memory lingered on. And Evelyn knew that, no matter what happened, she would always cherish the time they had spent together — and the unique, mysterious love they had shared.



Amina kiani

Technical Support Professional | Content Writer | Digital marketer and manager